(a.k.a. Billy Bee)
Bill is a partner and the right hand man of The Bee Guru. Bill has assisted Gregg on bee rescues that number so high, it hurts his head to calculate. Like Gregg, Billy Bee has had several occupations before catching the Bee Fever. He is very handy and indeed constructed a solar extractor so that he and Gregg can harvest the many gallons of honey their bees produce every year.
Like Gregg, Bill feels that the delicate balance of biodiversity our planet sustains is in the hands of the next generation. It is why he not only advocates for education in our young children – but he participates in it – teaching enthusiastic young minds who want to absorb all things bees.
A connoisseur of the honey wine more famously known as Mead, Billy Bee has mastered the fine art of creating this most auspicious adult beverage that dates back to ancient times – enjoyed by many kings, queens and dignitaries alike.